“University of Wah-FM 101.8” is an educational FM Radio Station established by University of Wah to provide audio services to Wah and adjoining populace.
“University of Wah-FM 101.8” will air educational contents, social service and community development programs. The programs will be devised in a manner that students and community can extract maximum benefit. Radio Station will invite professionals and experts as resource persons, from different areas of specialization, to deliver live and recorded lectures on various educational topics.
The “University of Wah-FM 101.8” will provide a forum to build hope, patriotism, and nationalism among the masses. Radio Station will air religious programs to revive and instill the Islamic values in our day to day conduct. It will also serve as a platform for coverage of UW and POF major events and announcements.
Streaming live from our UW official website “uow.edu.pk”, University’s Facebook page and now on Android, you can listen in wherever you are, whatever you are doing!